Rehabilitation of the Palace of the Counts of Benavente

Rehabilitation of the Palace of the Counts of Benavente for its adaptation to a public library.

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The construction of the building began in 1515 and it became the seat of the General Courts and the royal councils. It suffered serious fires in 1667 and 1716 and in 1801 the Valladolid Provincial Council acquired it to use it as a Hospice until the 1970s. In 1982 the Provincial Council ceded the building to the Ministry of Culture, and it was then transformed into the public library, after a reconstruction and rehabilitation operated in the ruined building, in order to recover and enhance its original typology.


EUMies Award

General information

Rehabilitation of the Palace of the Counts of Benavente




Built. Protected architecture

Option to visit

Visit by appointment


Sq. Trinidad, 2

47003 Valladolid - Valladolid

Latitude: 41.65732

Longitude: -4.73045


Built area

5001 - 20000 m²

Information provided by

EUMies Award

Iciar de las Casas Rodríguez

Website links

EUMies Award

  • Iciar de las Casas Rodríguez
  • EUMies Award
  • Manuel de las Casas Gómez, Ignacio de las Casas Gómez, vía EUMies Award
  • EUMies Award
  • EUMies Award
  • EUMies Award


41.65732 -4.73045 95592eca-f80d-4a06-bdc0-1eaf347cdea8 Built
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