40 supervised flats for the elderly in the La Cala area of Benidorm

The project arises from two simultaneous competitions for two towers - old and young - on both sides of the streets and two free spaces that, surrounding them, would give shape to a complete park open to citizen use.

View gallery

After the ruling, we are awarded only one of the two parts that make up what we had planned as a common whole. If in other projects a horizontal continuity of the dwellings managed to intensify in a natural way, by correlation (as in the traditional street), the relationship between neighbours, in a high-rise construction other resources are imposed to achieve a greater possibility of coexistence than that implied by the mere fact of being participants in the same community of neighbours.

Joan Roig
Joan Roig

With this intention in mind, the various possibilities of a vertical construction are explored, using the ground floor, first floor and some upper floors for communal uses and establishing continuity between the buildings and the green area that will surround them in the immediate future. The uses are arranged in such a way that all the common floors are pleasant to use due to their suitability and the relationship with the environment they offer.

Joan Roig

On the ground floor, up to three areas for outdoor use are added to the internal programme; on the first floor, and as an extension of the ground floor, there is a great deal of communication with the landscaped area and the slope that separates it from the street and offers shelter at the foot of the construction; on the third floor, next to the play and living areas, a large terrace - suitable for multiple activities - defines a space as a lookout balcony that turns in all orientations in search of distant views and the best sunlight at every hour of the day and in the different seasons of the year.

Everything that combines enclosure and structure is built in fair-faced concrete, and the rest of the façade is treated with metallic elements that give shape to various sun filters, which end up defining the formal identity of the group.

Joan Roig

General information

40 supervised flats for the elderly in the La Cala area of Benidorm





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Secretario Juan Antonio Baldovi, 2

03502 Benidorm - Alicante

Latitude: 38.529423286

Longitude: -0.164162732


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Javier García-Solera Vera

Involved architectural firms

Javier García-Solera Vera

  • Joan Roig
  • Joan Roig
  • Joan Roig


38.529423286 -0.164162732 9df0c5ed-0576-4006-b5dc-14eeec8ed3ea Built
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Unbuilt project

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