The long-distance race carried out by Mariano Bayón together with the committee of experts convened on the occasion of this exhibition was one of the most suggestive and successful challenges of the cultural work carried out in La Arquería. This work was aimed at rescuing some of the most influential absent national and international projects of 20th century architecture.

The excellent review of these unrealised or missing architectures was conducted by 24 research teams made up of architects and specialists of recognised prestige, and was formalised in 24 models produced in the studio of Juan de Dios Hernández and Jesús Rey. The models belonged to works that had been planned but not built or that, having been executed, had been demolished or dismantled due to their temporary condition. Thus, in La Arquería, Venice saw the resurgence of the Congress Centre designed by Louis Kahn or the Masieri Memorial by F. Lloyd Wright, while the unbuilt villas by Adolf Loos or the silk café by Lilly Reich and Mies van der Rohe invited us to imagine a Berlin full of colours and new spaces.

Review´s author

Fco. Javier Navarro






Wwy. de la Castellana, 67 Madrid


Mariano Bayón

Scientific Committee:

Rafael Moneo, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza, Josep Quetglas, Miguel Fisac


CIVA Bruselas


Island Council of Tenerife, COAM Foundation, Prince of Viana Institution, Community of Navarre, Swedish Cultural Institute, Pedro Barrié de la Maza Foundation, University of Alcalá, Antonio Camuñas Foundation, Official Association of Architects of Catalonia (COAC), Arquia Foundation, CSCAE





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