Almería Labour University

Involved architects (2)

Almería, 1973-1974

View gallery

Project in the tradition of Mediterranean Andalusia, on whose roots we have tried to graft a purely rationalist architecture, updating many of the values of its architecture and town planning which today are usually seen as picturesque testimonies of a dead past. It seemed very important to us to demonstrate that the elements and principles of the region's popular architecture could be used to create fully modern and functional buildings, far better adapted to the climate than imported "cultural" architecture, and to unite the cultured and the popular in a reciprocal transfer of influences.

Carlos Pérez Siquier
Carlos Pérez Siquier

The essential aspect of this architecture is the way it deals with space, relating the interior to the exterior spaces in a very rich gradation of atmospheres. In this extreme case, the dry climate, the wind and dust, and the dazzling light made it advisable to have a building closed to the outside and open to an infinite number of interior courtyards.

Carlos Pérez Siquier

The programme is developed on two systems of parallel axes that intersect to form a central square, the point of confluence of all the traffic; there are twenty-odd courtyards, large and small, with different characters and functions.

The classrooms extend into a bower-covered courtyard which serves as an open-air classroom. The result is a play of geometric volumes of whitewashed walls, of alternating open and closed spaces, of light tinged by plant canopies and an abundance of skylights, all within a rationalist poetry; and although the floor plan is as rational and schematic as an organigram, the impression received by those who walk through the building is one of variety and surprise.

Carlos Pérez Siquier
Axonometry - Julio Cano Lasso; Alberto Campo Baeza

The construction is very simple and was completed in eight months; however, the architecture will not be complete until the vegetation in the courtyards is sufficiently developed, because in this project, as in so many others, the vegetation is a very important part of the architecture.

Floor - Julio Cano Lasso; Alberto Campo Baeza

The construction is white, whitewashed inside and out; brown klinker flooring and aluminium carpentry. The setting is stony and desert-like, with ochre tones, and we were interested in contrasting the white walls and the lush, fresh courtyards with the arid surroundings; however, the reality is that the courtyards are neglected and, on the contrary, every effort has been made to create gardens around the buildings.

Carlos Pérez Siquier

The sea is close by and there are beautiful distant views towards the bay and the far horizon of Cabo de Gata towards which framed views have been opened up. This Labour University has a capacity for 1200 students, with two women's residences with 200 places each. It consists of classrooms, workshops, laboratory, canteen, self-service, cafeteria, etc., with a built area of 19,000 m2.

In a second phase, an outdoor pavilion and a library have been added.

General information

Almería Labour University





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Níjar, km. 7

04120 Almeria - Almería

Latitude: 36.845096953

Longitude: -2.385676584


Building materials


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Estudio Cano Lasso

Information provided by

Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)

Alberto Campo Baeza

Fondo documental DOCOMOMO Ibérico



36.845096953 -2.385676584 3c9c1f2e-0f7a-47a1-bb27-7a6cf3cf2a08 Built
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Unbuilt project

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