Arimunani School

Aixopluc Architectures (1)

The aim of the project is to build a place to carry out the teaching work of the Arimunani school. In order to carry out the project, the monasteries of Mediterranean typology that exist in Mallorca were studied. The characteristic of these monasteries is how they protect themselves from the weather, and at the same time, how they create an oasis in their inner courtyards.

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José Hevia

The project is the result of designing the exterior and interior spaces in a symbiotic way so that the teaching activity can be developed anywhere on the plot; it starts by analysing the climatic conditions of the place and, once studied, the necessary actions are designed so that a hot and dry place becomes a climatic refuge in a few years. The proposal proposes plant and architectural actions to counteract the extreme climatic conditions. The building is designed to be protected from summer radiation by the shadows of trees and overhangs, to facilitate cross ventilation and to take advantage of radiation in winter. In addition, the building's inner courtyard creates a climatic oasis.

Arimunani Ground floor - Aulets

The building is mostly constructed with materials from the biosphere, which reduces embodied energy by 60% of CO2 emissions. The structure and carpentry is made of pine wood from the Basque Country, the flooring is linoleum and the exterior panels are made of wood shavings and cement. The project presented corresponds to Phase 1 of the new building, which coexists with rented prefabricated pavilions.

Arimunani Location - Aulets

General information

Arimunani School





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Pth. Son Sales, s/n

07141 Marratxi - Illes Balears

Latitude: 39.634962567

Longitude: 2.7021663031


Building materials


Rock wool


Construction system

Structure of pillars and beams and braced with CLT panels. Finished with viroc panels (wood chip + cement) and interior linoleum flooring (wood chip + linseed oil)

Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Aixopluc Architectures


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Website links


Premios FAD


  • José Hevia


39.634962567 2.7021663031 5051a677-5c85-4043-af4d-90a45818f5a7 Built
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Unbuilt project


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