Arruga Film Studios


The project stems from the decision to locate the Arruga film studios in an industrial estate on the outskirts of Barcelona, considering the production of films and commercials as an industrial activity. Thus, a building intended to house a creative activity would have to coexist in a grey and mute world - without language - of factories and warehouses with hourly activities typical of industrial estates.

View gallery

Faced with the impossibility of generating a dialogue with its neighbours, the building becomes the image and reflection of its own essence, thus showing itself in the only possible way: a building for making films. Its main façade becomes a piece of celluloid after dark, transforming the building's own activity into a cinema: production, post-production, direction..., and the rest of the programme remains hidden behind the blind box: casting, wardrobe, props, warehouses, staging, workshops, dressing rooms and services, and finally the large space destined for the film set, which is presented to us in its most neutral form.

Lluís Casals
Lluís Casals

The construction, materials, structure and installations of this space are placed at the service of the main activity, reinforcing the neutrality of the project. The building is constructed using industrial building technology and prices: exposed steel structure with fire protection, deck slabs, concrete block walls, polished concrete floors, exposed installations, façade made of cement-wood panels.

Lluís Casals

The project incorporates, as an external element, a linear plantation of populus teixana at a short distance from the main façade. This plant formation reveals a new negative interstitial space in the interior. This space relates the internal activity to the external space, while making use of its changing condition. In summer a thick green cushion protects from the sun, in autumn it changes colour and purges its leaves, in winter it becomes a reflection on the large glass window and in spring it shows its different colours.

Between this screen of trees and the street of the industrial estate, an open space for the arrival and circulation of vehicles. At the end of an industrial estate, a grey box raises a question of architecture: the tension between the envelope and the internal space articulated by light.

Lluís Casals

General information

Arruga Film Studios





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. de l'Espigolera, 19

08960 Sant Just Desvern - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.384766936

Longitude: 2.0614065066


Building materials




Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Carlos Ferrater Lambarri

Involved architectural firms

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

Information provided by

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

  • OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona
  • OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona
  • Lluís Casals


41.384766936 2.0614065066 627dd460-1594-43ed-a0ea-0c8782c9dd9e Built
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Unbuilt project

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