Barcelona International Convention Centre

The Barcelona International Convention Centre consists of a large hall (15,000 m2, 80 m of structural light) divisible and a block of annexed services, open to the sea. They polarise on a line (Taulat street) and unfold as a crystallised eruptive magma, on a low mass with geometric emergences. Beach sand with the geometry of the polygon.

View gallery

Strip A (north) of buildings complementary to the Convention Centre (hotel, offices) should be more urban, mineral, inorganic, hard. On the basis of the normative buildable volume, the movements in Band A were produced as a reflection of the various functional/promotional citeriores that were being defined. It sets a boundary, a wall that must nevertheless be opened. Because of its great height, it must have a multiplicity of readings: in continuity as a street front, volumetric and open at the top to the distant views from the city, where the existing shopping centre will act as a plinth. Strip B (large hall) is basically a roof, which should be thought of as a public space, as a large square with a desire for continuity towards the exterior. It should be open and interrelated, closed and autonomous.


A strip C (services attached to the large hall) is a conglomerate of parts that relate to nature. The sea, the sky, the mountains. The development of this band involved fragmenting it into new sub-bands in relation to the movements.

Day - Mateo Arquitectura

The project is a large homogeneous space classified and structured through horizontal and vertical fissures. If we imagine the space as full, there would appear veins of a different density that would quarter the mass, which are of two types: vertical (shafts) and horizontal (galleries). The difficulties of controlling the façade shape with these geometries were great and the digital images were very unrealistic.

Collage Access - Mateo Arquitectura

General information

Barcelona International Convention Centre





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Sq. Willy Brandt, 11-14

08019 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.408971028

Longitude: 2.2191807355


Building materials




Construction system

Prefabricated systems. Facade formed by light perforated panels with variable dimensions or embossed (incisions without perforating the piece), allowing a continuous surface adaptable to different functional needs of the interior.

Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architects

Josep Lluís Mateo i Martínez

Involved architectural firms

Mateo Arquitectura

Information provided by

Mateo Arquitectura

  • Ground Floor - Mateo Arquitectura
  • Location - Mateo Arquitectura


41.408971028 2.2191807355 54023f26-ae79-4ce3-891e-d18fae17a4e1 Built
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Unbuilt project


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