Beulas Foundation

José Beulas, a former boarder at the Spanish Academy in Rome, who had previously used his fellow student, the architect José María García de Paredes, to build his studio, entrusted Rafael Moneo, in his capacity as a former boarder, with the project for the Foundation that was to conserve his work and his collection.

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Duccio Malagamba

Located in the vicinity of the city centre, the building is conceived as an autonomous object that must be sensitive to the landscape, understanding this in a double way: on the one hand, as an element that completes the ensemble made up of José Beulas' house, his studio and the small park around it; on the other, as architecture that has as its ultimate reference point those nearby foothills of the Pyrenees, in which the most outstanding episode is undoubtedly the Mallos de Riglos.

Duccio Malagamba

They are the ones who have inspired this undulating architecture that aspires to integrate into the environment and to create spaces in which the collection that Beulas has generously donated to his city feels comfortable.

Duccio Malagamba

General information

Beulas Foundation





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


Ave. Dr. Artero, s/n

22004 Huesca - Huesca

Latitude: 42.15763887

Longitude: -0.429126966


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Rafael Moneo Vallés

Involved architectural firms

Rafael Moneo

Information provided by

Rafael Moneo

  • Duccio Malagamba


42.15763887 -0.429126966 b0d06569-eab9-41d9-8597-d9e3c7d213d1 Built
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Unbuilt project


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