Block of flats in Carabanchel

At the time of drafting the project, the sector was not even partially developed. This situation led to an understanding of the complex as something capable of having a certain autonomous character, adopting a low height -three storeys- and, therefore, a high occupation of land in contrast to other nearby interventions. Walls and fences define the perimeter, clearly separating public from private areas and creating an interior space in which to place the buildings.

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The small size and low height, together with the requirement to combine different housing programmes, made the project for the block far removed from typological considerations; a singular problem in keeping with the condition of minor architecture that corresponds to the residence.

Exterior image of a block of flats - Duccio Malagamba
Exterior image of a block of flats - Duccio Malagamba

An attempt was thus made to replace the rotundity and harshness that the peripheral situation might suggest, with an architecture that is gentler and more attentive to an idea of comfort understood as an attribute of the domestic. The aim was to achieve a certain dilution of the block boundaries, paying particular attention to the ends where the blocks are juxtaposed. More than a mere consequence, the interstitial space between blocks can paradoxically be understood as the origin of the project.

Image of the access to the dwellings - Duccio Malagamba

General information

Block of flats in Carabanchel





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Rodrigo de Arana,

28044 Madrid - Madrid

Latitude: 40.381244907

Longitude: -3.763341806


Building materials



Construction system

Structure of concrete pillars and brick walls.

Built area

5001 - 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Cruz y Ortiz Arquitectos

Information provided by

Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos

Website links

Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos

  • Image of the interior gardens - Duccio Malagamba
  • General aerial view - Duccio Malagamba
  • Exterior image of the terraces - Duccio Malagamba
  • Exterior image of a block of flats - Duccio Malagamba


40.381244907 -3.763341806 a88bf437-5406-4541-aa95-59bdec036430 Built
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Unbuilt project

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