Botanical Institute for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council)


The building of the Botanical Institute, a centre attached to the Spanish National Research Council, is located on the highest point of the Botanical Garden of Barcelona, on the slopes of Montjuïc mountain, next to the Olympic Ring. The building overlooks the northwest wing of the garden, the area dedicated to the phytoepisodes of the western Mediterranean and North Africa, with views over the city of Barcelona.

View gallery
Aleix Bagué

It is structured as a horizontal line that intersects the sloping natural terrain as a hinge between two topographical levels, and in this way the section allows the different programmes to be organised with independent accesses from the rear road and from the network of paths in the garden. The 6-metre bays adapt to the different structural and lighting requirements, composing a continuum in which the cantilevers become more powerful as the topographical drop of the land becomes more accentuated. The same materials already used in the construction of the garden are used: fair-faced concrete and weathering steel.

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

General information

Botanical Institute for the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council)





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


Wwy. Migdia,

08038 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.362275447

Longitude: 2.1609163284


Building materials


Construction system

Also used Corten steel

Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Carlos Ferrater Lambarri

Involved architectural firms

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

Information provided by

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

  • OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona
  • Aleix Bagué


41.362275447 2.1609163284 d47c88f4-787c-4bc7-8de7-d2663c32ba5d Built
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Unbuilt project

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