Casar de Cáceres bus station

What to build in a white village that used, until recently, the beautiful technique of the vault in its dwellings? A single-material architecture that acquires strength through its geometry. A single material, a single form that encompasses everything: covering, interior space, image and structure. Architecture attentive to protection from the sun, in which only what is necessary appears, in which everything is necessary. On a small corner lot, between the kindergarten and the school, we could build an architecture that is not unlike the children's dream world, their capacity to imagine. And so we began to work freely in search of a form that would naturally meet the functional and urban conditions. The construction, made only of white concrete, rises up to become a sheet, a structure that owes its stability to its shape and folds in on itself to form a single element integrating roof, structure and programme.

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Hisao Suzuki

The traveller arrives at the station from the centre of the village, passing under the vaults that support the houses and cover the cross streets. A similar situation occurs when passing under the small sheet at the station entrance. This sheet welcomes the traveller and envelops him as it becomes the floor, which is also the weightless ceiling of the basement. The passenger area, with its slight incline, introduces us to the idea of movement of the whole complex. The basement concentrates a large part of the programme, freeing the access floor of easements and favouring a complete perception of the ribbon. The sheet folds and turns to fit the space, the scale of the buses, their public nature.

Justo García Rubio Arquitecto

General information

Casar de Cáceres bus station





Option to visit

Free visit


Ave. Ejido de Abajo, 18

10190 Casar de Caceres - Cáceres

Latitude: 39.560857736

Longitude: -6.415017629


Building materials



Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Justo García Rubio

Involved architectural firms

Justo García Rubio Arquitecto

Information provided by


  • Justo García Rubio Arquitecto


39.560857736 -6.415017629 dfc54f1e-56e9-4222-a101-fd71a032f70b Built
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Unbuilt project

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