Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria (School Groups in Moratalaz)

A group of architects who participated in the drafting and management of the housing in Barrio II, Moratalaz, were commissioned by the Excmo. Madrid City Council, in 1969, the drafting and management of the three School Groups of the aforementioned Barrio II. These architects are: José Luis Fernández del Amo, Antonio Fernández Alba and Rafael Molina Rodero.

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In the conception of these projects, drawn up by the aforementioned group, there is a common denominator, which is a basic idea of the architect Antonio Fernández Alba, awarded in a competition of the Ministry of Education and Science, to which the regulations required by the Schools of eight and 16 Units have been applied, conditioned by a whole range of problems: shape and dimensions of the site, characteristics of the terrain, suitable construction system, economic limits, materials used in the dwellings and architectural characteristics of Barrio II, among others.

Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos
Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos

Special attention has been paid to the integration and adaptation of the architecture of the schools to the complex in which they are located. In this way, the most suitable proportion of volumes and the characteristics of the surroundings were studied: brick walls combined with prefabricated concrete blocks, skirting boards, window sills, curved tile roofs with eaves of a certain size in terms of thickness and overhangs, as well as metal carpentry.

Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos

In the interior of the schools, great concern has been given to the lighting, with a balanced distribution and proportions of rooms on a human scale, in order to achieve a pleasant living environment for teachers and pupils, at the different levels of group and personalised work. The materials used in the interior are very austere, with no ornamental concessions of any kind: tempered plaster walls, terrazzo, white tiling in the bathrooms, wooden carpentry with a flush system, to be painted. Plumbing, electrical and heating installations have received a great deal of attention, due to the importance of their use in this type of establishment.

Particular attention should be paid to the characteristics of the ground, which are closely linked to the foundation system adopted and the structure of the building. The terrain is quite heterogeneous, with small deposits of very clean and loose sands, areas of vegetation and clays of a certain expansiveness. For this reason, it was necessary to use a heavily braced pile, with a metal or concrete structure, depending on the case.

Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos
Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Plan and Section - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos

The economic factor is also an important factor, as we have tried not to exceed certain levels of price per square metre, which has been translated especially in the austerity of the materials, and in the treatment of the same.

Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Historical Service of the Official Association of Architects of Madrid (COAM), Fondo Antonio Fernández Alba.

General information

Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria (School Groups in Moratalaz)





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. de la Hacienda de Pavones, 328

28030 Madrid - Madrid

Latitude: 40.400088307

Longitude: -3.638568856


Building materials



Ceramic roof tile

Construction system

Brick enclosures combined with precast concrete blocks

Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Information provided by

Fernández del Amo Arquitectos

  • Colegio Nacional Padre Vitoria - Elevations - Fernández del Amo Arquitectos


40.400088307 -3.638568856 b72158c9-5a09-4a7e-8fdb-ac58e8c5ac12 Built
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Unbuilt project

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