Creueta del Coll Park

An empty and abandoned space - an old quarry - seemed very suitable for the design of a public park to serve the neighbourhoods of El Coll and La Teixonera. The area was practically empty, without special significance and without any urban development order. It corresponds to a hill that had been partially occupied by the industrial exploitation of a quarry.

View gallery
Lluís Casals

It was necessary to define specific areas for collective use and to draw good lines of communication between the neighbourhood and the park. The transformation of the enormous hole left by the quarry is based on two ideas: to adapt the northern slopes of the land, with a special but light reforestation, between winding paths that delimit the areas set aside for neighbourhood use, and to theatrically emphasise the central part, which is the deepest and the one that preserves the most topographical memories.

Lluís Casals
Lluís Casals

This sector is integrated into the urban landscape with a two-level lake which, in addition to offering various recreational and sporting possibilities, is a very propitious setting for a large sculpture by Eduardo Chillida to mark the compositional centre, reflecting rhetorically in the water.

MBM Arquitectes
MBM Arquitectes

The park has two access lines: from the north and from the south. An itinerary that makes it possible to contemplate the complex geography of the surroundings and to communicate directly between the public space and the two neighbourhoods closest to it, guaranteeing the activities that the design of the park itself provides.

Lluís Casals

General information

Creueta del Coll Park





Option to visit

Free visit


Wwy. de la Mare de Déu del Coll, 77

08023 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.418607137

Longitude: 2.1481239481


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

MBM Arquitectes

Information provided by

EUMies Award



41.418607137 2.1481239481 75f1fe6c-2fdf-4a12-9230-7d040a491c34 Built
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Unbuilt project

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