
Daniel is a Project Manager from the University of Navarra, Senior Architect, from La Salle Barcelona ETSALS (Ramón Llull University) and has a Master's Degree in Restoration of Architectural Monuments from ETSAB in Barcelona. He currently carries out Artistic projects in the urban environment. He has worked as a Project Manager in vertical and horizontal composition projects at various scales. He received a scholarship from the ETSALSB University, in the BarCode Housing ( social housing project endowed with European Union Funds. He was associated in the OPR Architecture Studio, which later evolved into the OPERA Architecture Studio ( with offices in Barcelona, Lisbon, Luanda and China, Daniel being responsible for the Barcelona office. During this time he directed projects and competitions ranging from Urban planning to design of furniture pieces. He has been awarded several prizes in National and International Architecture Competitions. With great sensitivity, he defines urban relations. He is currently co-founder and director of the September studio.



Daniel de Reparaz

Architectural firm

Septiembre Arquitectura

Influenced by

Herzog and De Meuron
Frank LLoyd Wright

Cataloged work

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MIQ. Restoration of a single-family house in the old quarter of Sarrià.
MIQ. Restoration of a single-family house in the old quarter of Sarrià.
349ab832-6d1a-44c2-929d-24e9beaf6c1d False MIQ. Restoration of a single-family house in the old quarter of Sarrià. Built
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