Gil Sala House

The straight street of constant width was defined by continuous façade planes parallel to the pavements. Some buildings were set back, forming open courtyards between them, but the ground floor always maintained the alignment so as not to weaken the layout of the street. The laws of formation of the strict urban void, few and clear, allowed a great freedom of sizes and languages of the architectures that embraced it and the result of the long continuous façades took on the appearance of enormous and complex collages.

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The proposal used this way of relating fragments, so present in the neighbourhood and in the city, as a mechanism for resolving the building itself. The addition rested gently on the ground floor just as the various houses rested on each other.

First floor - Studio PER

The project was not intended to treat the building as a stylistic unit, which is why the language of the new was sought to be so different from that of the preserved. Nor did the project modify or embellish the old, it did not erase clues, it left it intact as a testimony of other histories, it accepted it into the game and treated it as one more component of the urban puzzle.

Ground floor - Studio PER

General information

Gil Sala House





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Sant Màrius, 36

08022 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.403187799

Longitude: 2.1368926489


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architectural firms

Studio PER

Information provided by


  • Colita


41.403187799 2.1368926489 a97c47de-4c6b-4a74-92e5-f127c9ff30c9 Built
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Unbuilt project

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