House for a Photographer II


A plot perpendicular to the sea, 250 m long and 18 m wide. The plot, a cultivated area, runs from the beach to a backdrop of ancient ruins, reeds and lemon trees.

View gallery
Aleix Bagué

The house for a Photographer II is located at the back of the plot. Built on a platform 70 cm above the natural floodplain, three small volumes, irregular in plan and section, establish a dialogue through an empty space with visual leaks. The volumetric decomposition follows the conditions of landscape, construction and light suggested by a painting by Picasso in that area in the Picasso Museum in Paris.

Joan Guillamat
Aleix Bagué

The central void thus becomes the main space of the dwelling, a tense space geometrically shaped in its upper part, through the high opaque bodies of the different pavilions and on the ground plane up to a height of 2.10 m in a continuous place that links the different shaded interior spaces with the views of the sea, the plant background and the living areas on the platform.

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

General information

House for a Photographer II





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Jardins Ignorats,

43569 Alcanar - Tarragona

Latitude: 40.538764942

Longitude: 0.519624599


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Carlos Ferrater Lambarri

Involved architectural firms

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

Information provided by

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

  • OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona
  • Aleix Bagué


40.538764942 0.519624599 910b08d9-de22-4b42-8397-f7e37a6c81f9 Built
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Unbuilt project

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