Intermodal Station Zaragoza-Delicias

José María Valero y Asociados (1)
Involved architects (2)

The project provides for an urban system involving buildings, civic rail infrastructure and landscape. Just as in earlier times the cathedral was the cohering representative scheme of the urban organisation, so here it is hoped that the implantation of the rail station will provide a functional, contemporary and emblematic boost to town planning, one representative of its time. The functional program of the station and its surroundings brings together, then, urban transport and such complementary social and commercial communication service as hotels, a business centre, a liaison centre, infobox, a museum of railway history, a park and leisure facilities. 

View gallery
Aleix Bagué

In constructional terms the station itself is made up of large pointed elements of white concrete, thus defining, by means of this constructional system and the possibilities of the jutting bodies and cantilevers of concrete, each of the situations related to the transit, funnelling and protection of the users; entrances, intermediary spaces, concourses and main hall. The roof, resolved with lightweight materials and suspended on nine metal arches that rest on the main concrete volumes, hangs over the interior, and is arranged as a triangular floating composition of light, reflection and constructional geometry. Inside the building, and at night, the illumination of the arches makes is contribution as an element of the dramatic new iconography of 21st-century Zaragoza.

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

Different communication and installation technologies reinforce the architectonic discourse proposed in relation to the informational aspects, use and comfort of the main space of the concourses: conveniently placed multimedia panels and wall-size video screens allow the traveler to visualise the time table and environmental conditions of the station and of his or her destination. As to its precise implantation, the new urban system is adapted to the conditions of the existing surroundings and traffic in a way compatible with the appearance of high-density urban roads -–ring roads -, currently supplementing the nearby motorways and exit avenues from the city, in such a way that earlier problems of the physical and visual links between the once separate neighbourhoods of the Almazara and Las Delicias, the nature reserve in the crook of the River Ebro and the Alfajería Park are resolved.

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

General information

Intermodal Station Zaragoza-Delicias





Option to visit

Free visit


St. Rioja, 33

50011 Zaragoza - Zaragoza

Latitude: 41.658709565

Longitude: -0.911242961


Construction system

White Concrete

Built area

más de 20000 m²

Information provided by

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

EUMies Award

  • Aleix Bagué


41.658709565 -0.911242961 9c201d82-5e7d-4937-bd83-2298a370571f Built
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Unbuilt project

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