Landscape restoration of the Barcelona landfill site

Arquitectura Agronomia (1)

The "Vall d'en Joan" Controlled Reservoir landscape restoration project is located in the Garraf Natural Park in the municipalities of Begues and Gava in the Baix Llobregat region.

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Jordi Surroca

The landfill has been operating since 1974 as a dump for most of the urban waste from Barcelona and the municipalities in its metropolitan area. It currently occupies an area of 60 hectares of which 20 hectares have been restored as part of the 'Executive Project for the Closure and Restoration of the '‛la Vall d'en Joan’ Controlled Deposit, in zones 1-2 and the direct access to this area'.

Jordi Surroca
Jordi Surroca

The restoration project is a comprehensive proposal for action, defining topographical criteria for the layouts of terraces and slopes, a drainage network to collect internal water independently of external water, a biogas extraction network, routes and revegetation to be applied in phases. The overall objective of the restoration project is the reintegration of the Controlled Deposit in the Garraf Natural Park using the resources from the nearby agroforestry mosaics and encouraging the development and succession of existing primary ecosystems, which will evolve towards situations adapted to the surrounding environment over time.

Scheme - batlleiroig
Floor - batlleiroig

The vegetation planted consists of indigenous, resistant species, with low water requirements adapted to the environment. Planting Local plants such as brambles, Mediterranean scrub or maquis, shrubs and tree species and crops of indigenous leguminous species.

Jordi Surroca

General information

Landscape restoration of the Barcelona landfill site





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Xaloc,

08850 El Garraf - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.297195693

Longitude: 1.9333396976


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Arquitectura Agronomia


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41.297195693 1.9333396976 30ccd4cc-bc04-4ea2-9cea-6f5ae0f6d741 Built
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