Les Aimerigues Secondary School

BB arquitectes (2)

The new school is located on a plot on the edge of the residential area in the Aimerigues sector. The implantation is defined by the location of the volumes on the plot: a compact one aligned to the consolidated street and a smaller one containing the gymnasium and defining the access through the public space and the porch. The typological model proposed is compact in character with a bright and generous central corridor and classrooms on both sides.

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Simón García

An economical, compact, flexible and efficient volume:

- Economical, due to its simplicity of construction and the limited square metres built in relation to the programme.

Simón García

- Compact, in that it frees up play space with consistent dimensions for recreational activities, without residual space, facilitating space control and allowing for future expansion.

- Flexible, to accommodate different uses over time. Separate access is guaranteed for the gymnasium, library, AMPA and toilets.

- Efficient, compactness helps to minimise energy losses; optimal bay and dry construction as passive systems.

In terms of materials, the use of ceramics with different types of rigging is used to generate different textures, making reference to the city's tradition of industrial architecture. The rest of the enclosures are made of glass, cellular polycarbonate and cuperised pine cladding. Solar protection is provided by adjustable ceramic louvres that prevent direct radiation, but allow diffuse light and views to the outside.

General information

Les Aimerigues Secondary School





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. d' Icària, 80

08224 Terrassa - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.559217888

Longitude: 1.9898785906


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architectural firms

BB arquitectes

Information provided by

BB arquitectes


Website links

BB arquitectes




41.559217888 1.9898785906 cc7bbabe-fef6-44ca-9ab8-621f4ce63bfd Built
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