Les Cols Restaurant

Evoking the past. A country house with a three-aisle structure, large dining room, and porches.

View gallery

Evoking self-subsistence. The vegetable garden with cabbages, the chickens pecking, the fruit trees in blossom.

Hisao Suzuki

Evoking life in the open air. Sitting in the fresh air on the porch to eat, surrounded by plants, aromas, visuals, without losing the mystery of the thick walls.

Hisao Suzuki

Evoking sensuality. Immersed in a world full of cava, plant curtains, insinuating filters and flowering chairs.

Evoking culinary art. On a neutral surface, colours, flavours and different textures shine, a careful and laborious preparation for a moment of pleasure.

Evoking the e-card. A circuit perfectly designed to achieve a perfect dish and extreme neatness aimed at scatology.

Evoking the future. Where virtual and real images intermingle and where steel replaces stone, mud, lime and water, where humidity gives way to dryness.

Evoking time. Where the vision of the instant allows us to travel through time in the direction of the past and in the direction of the future in the dining room, living room and kitchen trilogy.

General information

Les Cols Restaurant





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Rd. de la Canya, s/n

17800 Olot - Girona

Latitude: 42.19447853

Longitude: 2.5009481144


Building materials


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architectural firms

RCR Arquitectes

Information provided by

RCR Arquitectes

Website links

RCR Arquitectes



42.19447853 2.5009481144 7611f368-bc52-4c22-9da1-7769c1980672 Built
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Unbuilt project

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