Lluís Vives School in Castelldefels

The site posed two problems: the constant noise of the train and, as the plot bordered the rear of the houses that enclose the block, its exposure to the neighbourhood. The position of the building marks the desire to be able to provide a south-facing play area which, at the same time, functions as a barrier providing acoustic protection. In the wing parallel to the railway tracks, all the classrooms are oriented towards the interior of the block, turning the exterior façade into something reminiscent of a train suspended above the treetops.

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Duccio Malagamba

The ground floor is set back to emphasise this effect. The ground floor is used for communal areas. Here we create small outdoor areas with a more intimate character as they are more protected from the view of the neighbours. In the other wing of the building is the area for the younger children, who have their own outdoor space away from the noise of the older children's games. The section is set back to protect the classrooms from the intense sunlight.

Location - Estudio carme Pinós

General information

Lluís Vives School in Castelldefels





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Wwy. del Ferrocarril, 266

08860 Castelldefels - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.276045131

Longitude: 1.9763566786


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Carme Pinós Desplat

Involved architectural firms

Estudio Carme Pinós

Information provided by

Estudio Carme Pinos

Website links

Estudio Carme Pinos

  • Sections - Estudio carme Pinós
  • Duccio Malagamba


41.276045131 1.9763566786 57c25d96-7858-461a-aee9-0d2f64645980 Built
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Unbuilt project

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