Manzana Pallars

The idea was to design and build a group of very economical houses, always starting from the strict reality of the 1950s, that is to say, accepting - and taking advantage of - the low levels of construction techniques and trades, the expressive neutrality of urban planning, the low social and economic power of the recently immigrant users with low standards of comfort, rental prices conditioned by the salaries that the users earned in the factory that promoted the operation.

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Above all, it was a question of not making pigeons fly with the idea that the solution of mass popular housing required the invention of new module and aggregation typologies and new construction systems focused on utopias of industrialisation. Brick load-bearing walls, small window spans, concentration of services, pitched tile roofs, stairways with continuous walls and concrete slabs. Urban form with closed block and continuous building. In general, minimum services, less than what is currently required by most regulations. In short: a poor architecture that uses poverty to open up a new aesthetic line and to affirm in a contentious tone that social urgencies, if they do not have a research apparatus at their service (expensive and full of difficulties), can only find provisional solutions in the use of landscapes and contents - urban or suburban - which, if we were to speak in operatic terms, we could almost say "veristic".


Balcony view - Lluís Casals

General information

Manzana Pallars





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Pallars, 299-317

08005 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.405274374

Longitude: 2.202884946


Building materials


Ceramic roof tile

Built area

más de 20000 m²


FAD 1959

Involved architectural firms

MBM Arquitectes

Information provided by

Archivo Histórico del Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Cataluña (COAC)

Website links

MBM Arquitectes

  • Front view - José Hevia
  • Overview - F. Català Roca


41.405274374 2.202884946 07da89ee-fda0-4e84-bd33-a66c1133634a Built
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Unbuilt project

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