Municipal cemetery in Villamuriel de Cerrato

The unusual growth of Villamuriel de Cerrato since a car factory was installed in the municipality in the seventies, determined an urban expansion, proportional to the demographic growth, which absorbed the original cemetery. Following tradition, the corporation located the new cemetery far from the town centre, on farmland at the foot of the moor, which is accessed via a country road that crosses the Canal de Castilla.

View gallery

The enclosure is delimited by a wall that adapts to the topographical features, highlighted by its unique and irregular morphology. The wall has only one opening, a viewpoint at the northeast corner which, with its back to the lifeless moor, opens out into the valley.

Pedro Iván Ramos Martín
Pedro Iván Ramos Martín

The building housing the funerary services and facilities projects outwards through a portico whose growth makes it the head of the complex, a monumental body open towards the east, towards the sunrise, announcing the presence of the cemetery in the distance, in the valley of the river Carrión, in the valley of the river Carrión.

Pedro Iván Ramos Martín

Access to the funerary enclosure is through this flared portico, the size of which gradually decreases, placing the visitor in an interior courtyard on a small, human scale. It is a space of recollection, silence, which accompanies the mourning, its liturgy, in which a pool of rain, in its reflection, seems to want to capture for the loved one the desired heaven, his eternal rest.

In the chapel, sunlight highlights the presence of the altar while a soft, faint light passes through a narrow, flush window with no apparent frame, blending exterior and interior.

Ricardo González
Gabriel Gallegos Borges

The construction is austere, bare, sincere: concrete formwork with planks, wood and steel carpentry without any treatment and asphalt sheeting on the sloping roofs are the materials used in a building whose presence highlights a landscape of exceptional and suggestive values.

Gabriel Gallegos Borges.

Pedro Iván Ramos Martín

General information

Municipal cemetery in Villamuriel de Cerrato





Option to visit

Free visit


34190 Villamuriel de Cerrato - Palencia

Latitude: 41.950972007

Longitude: -4.529493409


Building materials


Construction system

Building with reinforced concrete wall, column and slab structure with timber plank formwork.

Built area

501 - 5000 m²



Information provided by

Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de León (COAL)

Gabriel Gallegos Borges

  • Gabriel Gallegos Borges


41.950972007 -4.529493409 24358986-1450-4002-b6dc-a57871b22d21 Built
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Unbuilt project


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