Museum of Enlightenment (MUVIM)

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra (1)

The Museum of the Enlightenment differs from the exhibition contents of other museums in the sense that it is not so much a museum of objects as a museum of ideas, in which the route is articulated through scenarios, spaces that owe much to literary, musical and cinematographic references.

View gallery

The development of the project substantially modified the tender proposal which was not awarded in 1997. The competition rules defined a building perimeter of the plot with an angular and uneven geometry that would coincide with the layout of the building's façades. Therefore, we could say that the shape and volume of the museum have been determined by the requirements of urban planning regulations. But it will also be the visitors' route, a descending route through numerous exhibition rooms organised in very gentle ramps, which will define the organisation of the interior space. We have proposed a flexible, fluid architecture, capable of questioning the conditions of the site and capable of integrating all the conflicting forces, but without the project in its formal configuration being a reflection of this conflictive situation.

Duccio Malagamba
Duccio Malagamba

The building proposes a unitary and compact image as opposed to the more fragmentary conception suggested by the programme and the planning. In general terms, two elongated volumes are planned, arranged almost in parallel: the first of these, longer and more angular, houses the sequence of exhibition areas that make up the museum's permanent exhibition, while the second is reserved for the more internal functions of the institution. The two are connected by an intermediate piece that includes the museum's general foyer. A large-scale space in keeping with the public-institutional character of the building, open to the lush greenery of the adjoining garden.

Jesús Granada

The museum, in spite of the required submission to the building perimeter of the regulations, seeks to satisfactorily resolve the system of relations between the building itself and the environment in which it is established. The location of the main access under the building itself, which involves perforating the longest piece in order to connect the two garden areas, shows the project's interest in giving the proposed architecture a certain urban character, or in other words, in highlighting the urban quality of architecture.

The building-landscape will now allow a fluid and permeable relationship to be established in its wooded surroundings, while becoming a backdrop to the perspective of the hospital gardens. It is therefore a building that moves halfway between being a self-absorbed object, an isolated artefact, a pavilion in the park, conditioned by its programme of uses and its willingness to accept an active role in the requalification of its urban environment. Awards: National CEOE Foundation Award 2001; IVE Valencian Building Institute

Bleda y Rosa

Awards: Generalitat Valenciana. 2006; FAD Prize 2002. Finalist Building; VII Biennial of Spanish Architecture 2003. Selected building.

Jesús Granada

General information

Museum of Enlightenment (MUVIM)





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


St. Quevedo, 10

46001 Valencia - València

Latitude: 39.469728395

Longitude: -0.381320296


Built area

5001 - 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

Information provided by

Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra

Website links


  • Jesús Granada
  • Guillermo Vázquez Consuegra


39.469728395 -0.381320296 9fbe52c8-77a1-4d29-8634-38d91deda8cf Built
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Unbuilt project


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