PAM! Amara Berri. Action Plan for the Improvement of the public space of Amara Berri.

Amara Berri is a mainly residential neighbourhood in San Sebastian, home to almost 35,000 people, the most populated in the city. Its urban structure is strongly conditioned by different natural and infrastructural barriers that cross it and fragment it into areas that are poorly connected to each other. It has many public spaces which, however, are perceived as insufficient, degraded, inactive and lacking in identity.

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Under the slogan 'Network of spaces, networked spaces' we developed the PAM! (or Public Space Activation and Enhancement Plan), an urban strategy that focuses on the characterisation of each public space - to make them comfortable, active and attractive - and on the connectivity and complementarity between them - to build an accessible, dynamic and diverse network. The plan addresses the transformation of the network of squares and streets in the neighbourhood through the Triple Dimension methodology and the Participatory Indicators tool (InPar), which requires citizen participation and a gender perspective.


This approach structures the work in three main areas that condition and guarantee the proper functioning of public spaces: accessibility and connectivity, comfort and image, and uses and management. After a participatory diagnosis phase and a collaborative design phase, during which mapping, interviews with key actors, street surveys, physical and digital forms and workshops were carried out, we drew up a plan with more than 20 actions: from specific tactical urban planning interventions to complete renovations of squares.


Furthermore, the actions are encompassed in three strategic lines: L1. Amara Berri, Accesible y Conectada, to improve the network of daily routes and itineraries in the neighbourhood and to promote the different public spaces; L2. Amara Berri, Diversa y Activa, to enhance the character and activity of each square and park, and to achieve a rich and varied network of complementary spaces; and L3. Amara Berri, Singular e Identitaria, to build new centralities and promote the identity of the neighbourhood and the special character of its most symbolic spaces.

Among the more than 20 actions that make up the plan, one of the improvement actions has been carried out to date, consisting of the transformation of one of the main axes, and two others are in the project phase: the renovation of a square and the pedestrianisation of an axis of activity.


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