Puig Tower

GCA Architects (3)
Rafael Moneo (1)

The project dates back to 2007, when Caixa Catalunya commissioned architect Rafael Moneo to build a tower in Plaza de Europa. Its execution was postponed, due to the circumstances of the real estate market, so the project approached the Puig company to establish its corporate headquarters there, and construction work began in 2012, in collaboration with the Barcelona architects GCA Arquitectos Asociados.

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The tower respects the ground plan and the height established in the planning and its interest lies in the glassy spiral that envelops the volume. This eliminates any temptation to understand the tower as a superimposition of horizontal planes, reinforcing its unitary character. The glass band provides the interior spaces with an attractive filter that also helps to improve the insulation conditions of the building.

Duccio Malagamba

General information

Puig Tower





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Sq. Europa, 46 - 48

08902 LHospitalet de Llobregat - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.357494854

Longitude: 2.1221575607


Building materials


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

GCA Architects

Rafael Moneo

Information provided by

Rafael Moneo

  • Duccio Malagamba
  • Rafael Vargas
  • Rafael Vargas
  • Duccio Malagamba
  • Duccio Malagamba
  • Rafael Vargas


41.357494854 2.1221575607 211471f3-0422-4bc3-8c3c-9a76a3cb4609 Built
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Unbuilt project


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