Salvans House

The Salvans house was built in a magnificent orchard surrounded by a stone wall that sometimes supported the outside land, other times it supported its own land over the neighbouring land and in the highest area it turned on itself and became a cistern. At the only point where the exterior slopes coincided with the interior horizontal plane was the access door, which was maintained in the project.

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Lluís Casals

The whole area had been surrounded by the gradual growth of the village and the new building was intended to contribute to the continuity of the façade planes of the neighbouring houses between party walls, which so precisely defined the emptiness of the streets. Incomprehensibly, the Ordinances required the construction of an isolated building and the project sought to overcome this contradiction.

Clotet, Paricio & Associats

General information

Salvans House




Built. Protected architecture

Option to visit

Visit from public roads


Ave. Pau Casals, 46

08513 Prats de Llucanes - Barcelona

Latitude: 42.00860233

Longitude: 2.0313244045


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architectural firms

Clotet, Paricio & Associats

Information provided by


  • Lluís Casals
  • Lluís Casals
  • Lluís Casals
  • Lluís Casals


42.00860233 2.0313244045 9faf072e-5722-44be-a50d-b214df856e14 Built
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Unbuilt project

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