Secondary School in Galisteo

Both the strategic location of the site, overlooking the historic centre of Galisteo, and its topography have been fundamental to the development of the project. The building is intended to accommodate itself to the existing unevenness, to fold and stretch until it finds its own place. To this end, the building has created its own open spaces, differentiated playgrounds and open-air sports courts, in order to achieve the best sunlight (classrooms to the north and access galleries to the south).

View gallery

The project is fundamentally developed at elevation +93.30 m and this creates a situation in which the building aims to contain the unevenness of the terrain towards its east façade, in order to unfold and open up towards the side street, located on its west side, from where the main access to the building takes place. This not only implies a humanisation of the street, but we can also control the built volume, which in this way does not exceed 7.20 m in height, finally generating a project that blends in with its surroundings and is friendly not only to the town of Galisteo but also to its own users.

Jesús Granada
Jesús Granada

The project develops its programme in three differentiated packages, in situation and form, as their use and relationship with the rest of the programmes provokes it:

  1. General administration and teaching staff. Communications core. Classroom and workshop area.
  2. Jesús Granada

  3. Courtyards/doorways.
  4. Sports area.

Jesús Granada
Jesús Granada

A covered corridor running north-south through the building links all the functional packages described above. At the northern end, the sports area is located away from the noise of the rest of the building, but not less communicated: an entrance is created for the entire sports area to allow it to function independently from the rest of the school at weekends.

Jesús Granada

General information

Secondary School in Galisteo





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. XXV Aniversario de la Constitución,

10691 Galisteo - Cáceres

Latitude: 39.97255093

Longitude: -6.262802514


Building materials



Construction system

Reinforced concrete structure and exterior and interior walls of brick masonry.

Built area

501 - 5000 m²



Involved architectural firms

MGM Morales de Giles arquitectos

Information provided by

MGM Morales de Giles arquitectos

  • Jesús Granada


39.97255093 -6.262802514 3b8f799a-ea5e-4906-a72a-2a65eeddf53f Built
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Unbuilt project


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