TAC! 2022


The Directorate General for the Urban Agenda and Architecture of the Ministry of Transport, Mobility and the Urban Agenda, in collaboration with the Arquia Foundation, is organising this ideas competition aimed at young architects aged up to 45.

The objective is the creation of a temporary pavilion that will make the Plaza del Humilladero (Granada) stand out and that will also be able to host cultural and leisure activities in the city.

After studying the 95 projects submitted and after the appropriate deliberations by the members of the jury meeting in Granada on 26 July 2022, they have decided that the winning projects will be those named under the slogans:

First prize: Aire (Air)

Second prize: La Casa del Aire (The House of Air)

Third Prize: 4GU45



CALLS: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA)
IN COLLABORATION WITH: Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA) Arquia Foundation Granada City Office Granada University



Member : Sol Candela Alcover Member : Inês Lobo Member : Javier Peña Ibáñez Member : José Vallejo Secretary : Marta Callejón Cristóbal President : Jose Ignacio Carnicero Alonso Member : Carmen Moreno

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