Vila de Gràcia Library

The plot is located in the Gràcia neighborhood of Barcelona at the intersection of Carrer Torrent de l'Olla and Travessera de Gràcia, a first-order connection between Gràcia and the city.

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The library acquires a representative entity out of proportion to the small size of the lot. The plot has a surface and dimensions common to those that make up the fabric of Gràcia and a building capacity equally common to that developed in nearby architecture. So this plot of land with a domestic and civil vocation breaks its destiny (it's like pardoned) and becomes the home of the neighborhood library and "showcase" of Gràcia in relation to Barcelona.

EUMies Award

Expressing this mismatch between continent and content, this non-coincidence between a mold common to private architecture and public use of the "column of floors", has led us to introduce various degrees of bombardment of the facade, as a system to express the importance and exceptional use of the interior. Something similar to what happens when you put more clothes in a suitcase than possible: the geometric mold is deformed and the limit comes under load.

EUMies Award

General information

Vila de Gràcia Library





Option to visit

Free visit


Blvd. Torrent de l'Olla, 104

08012 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.401474

Longitude: 2.1582043


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architects

Josep Antoni Llinàs i Carmona

Involved architectural firms

Josep-Antoni Llinàs i Carmona

Information provided by

EUMies Award

  • Josep-Antoni Llinàs i Carmona
  • EUMies Award
  • Josep-Antoni Llinàs i Carmona


41.401474 2.1582043 b39c19f8-fbc2-4c0b-b8e0-f7565fa7c103 Efímera
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Unbuilt project

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