Woermann Square and Tower

The Istmo area is one of the most sensitive places in Las Palmas, a small neck that connects the continuous built-up mass of the city with the empty peninsula of La Isleta. But its location, between the beach and the port, as well as its tourist and commercial activity, give it a unique character as a crossing point, as well as a place to stroll and stay. We are asked for a space for the city. And singularity is demanded of us: singularity in the fullness and iconography of the object and singularity in the void, in contrast to the overcrowded use of space.

View gallery

The new public space will appear as a large continuous plane of Portuguese stonework open to the sea and enclosed laterally by two buildings with facilities on the first floor and shops on the ground floor and first basement. This surface, thus described in functional terms, will be activated by its transformation into a plastic action on an urban scale developed in collaboration with Albert Oehlen, as well as by the generation of natural shadows with medium and large-scale plantations on the western and eastern sides, and artificial shadows generated by deep porticoed areas to the north and south.

How would we like to live on the Isthmus?

Paolo Rosselli

We imagine houses with generous roof heights, close to the traditional ones, enjoying the views as if from a natural vantage point, large areas protected by deep artificial shadows (brise soleil) and natural ones (plant motifs in the thickness of the glass) so that nothing else is needed.

José Hevia

The Woermann Tower in a virtual forest from which to enjoy the utopia of living immersed in a hybrid landscape. The city will be shown in full harmony with this idea, a forest of natural and artificial shadows without scale, but also an Atlantean nodding in admiration of the landscape it contemplates.

Paolo Rosselli

General information

Woermann Square and Tower





Option to visit

Free visit


St. Eduardo Benot, 35

35008 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Las Palmas

Latitude: 28.145708415

Longitude: -15.42973346


Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Ábalos & Herreros

Information provided by


EUmies Award

Website links

EUmies Award


  • Paolo Rosselli
  • Ábalos & Herreros


28.145708415 -15.42973346 f5f7cae1-444e-4c38-a057-322a1f7691ac Built
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