156 social housing units in Sanchinarro

The 21-storey volume emerges as a landmark in an excessively homogeneous environment, framing the landscape through its 40x15x15-metre belvedere on the 12th floor. This void, open to the city, to the territory and also to the media context, is the neighbourhood courtyard. By rising, the building frees up a public space that the contemporary city demands. The 20,000 m2 built area contains a wide variety of situations and 36 types of dwellings. They are organised into nine groupings - represented by nine façade materials: three types of GRC, granite, limestone and slate, and three types of small ceramic materials.

View gallery

The diversity of the façades takes the form of a variable break-up, a changing organisation of openings, as well as different textures and colours; between the nine types of enclosure run the four circulation cores and the intermediate viewpoints that emerge with the change of direction of the staircases. The circulations in the building are like small vertical streets. Its transformations along each route link a compendium of typologies structured in the form of small neighbourhoods.

Blanca Lleó

The large central void brings together the diversity and gives identity to the building group. Against the seriation and rationalist repetition of the standard family unit, reasonable variation is proposed as a response to the new contemporary ways of living. Multiple units or accommodations with flexible and adaptable organisations are proposed, as the structure and facilities are located on the perimeter of each property. The aim is to promote the identity that each inhabitant projects in their home, the adaptation to a required functioning and the incorporation to the accelerated changes in demand.

Blanca Lleó estudio

General information

156 social housing units in Sanchinarro





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Princesa de Éboli, 21

28050 Madrid - Madrid

Latitude: 40.487755664

Longitude: -3.654752827


Building materials




Construction system

porticos de H.A y cercha estructural de acero.

Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architects

Blanca Lleó Fernández

Involved architectural firms

Blanca Lleó estudio

Information provided by

Blanca Lleó

Website links

Blanca Lleó





40.487755664 -3.654752827 72269731-061a-48f1-abcf-7b7238c66bab Built
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Unbuilt project

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