FAD 2006

2006 FAD

Minutes of the Jury of the FAD Awards 2006

''The Jury appreciates the high quality of the many projects submitted and welcomes the thematic and geographical variety of their origins. After meeting repeatedly in preliminary sessions, it proceeded to select the list of 30 shortlisted works, from which the winners were to be chosen. A series of field visits helped in this first selection. And also on the basis of these visits and the re-examination of the documentation submitted, the final votes were taken, grouped into the 5 thematic areas defined in the terms and conditions of the awards. For the first time, this year Arquinfad proposes the category of Thought and Criticism. The large number of proposals and articles received has almost exhausted the dedication and mental capacity of the Jury. There are essays, monographs, articles, editorial collections, architectural magazines, small pamphlets, etc.

In this first edition, in keeping with the strict definition of the title - Thought and Criticism - the Jury agreed that the text "La Disolución de la estancia" (The Dissolution of the room) by the architect José Morales de Sevilla was worthy of the prize. It is a discussion of the evolution of the housing project, the interior reorganisation and his  architectural values from the Modern Movement to the present day. A particularly contemporary work as a methodological example in the face of the massive demand for housing that our architecture would have to solve.

Particularly interesting in the opinion of the Jury is the option for the Intervenciones Breves.(Short Interventions) Award. This year, the delicate subject of this award has found an excellent example in the creation of a virtual communication space between disabled citizens who, by audiovisual means, transmitted situations of obstacles or difficulties in their use of public spaces in the city of Barcelona. This assembly, called Canal Accesible and coordinated by Toni Abad, gives rise to an exhibition and a mapping of consequences of unquestionable urban interest, as a result of the space of interaction created.

Also new this year is the category of City and Landscape, aimed at those works of local intervention in the urban environment of clear significance for the city as a whole. Two very different interventions stood out in the opinion of the members of the Jury. One is the Nuevas Estaciones (New Stations) project for the Oporto metro, a set of actions directed by the architect Eduardo Souto de Moura, coordinating his own projects and those of other qualified architects in the city. An operation that makes the construction of a large infrastructure an opportunity for the urban qualification of the station sites and for the exemplary nature of the underground space as a qualified public space. The other intervention is the reconstruction of part of the Nazari Wall in Granada by the architect Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, a small and delicate project, controversial for its radical nature, in which the Jury appreciates the conceptual reflection on the limits of the historic city, on the materiality of the restored work, incorporating a strong personal risk into a work that is only apparently minuscule. The Jury has decided to award a runner-up prize to the work on the Nazarí wall in Granada and to award the 2006 City and Landscape Award to the urban development programme of the Oporto Metro Stations, both of which are of such different sizes and significance on an urban scale.

In the interior design section, the Jury's opinion considered it important not to choose between two very different but equally excellent works: the new rooms of the Hotel-Restaurant Les Cols in Olot by the architects Ramon Vilalta, Carme Pigem and Rafael Aranda and the internal refurbishment of the Ermenegildo Zegna offices in Sant Quirze del Vallès, by Alfredo Arribas. The Jury decides to award both projects the Interior Design Award ex aequo.

After examining the excellent projects among the works of architecture, the Jury highlighted the high quality of some of the projects in the field of housing - both public and private - for their rigour and brilliant solution to functional difficulties, as well as among the monumental buildings of great symbolic and figurative impact on the urban or territorial landscape and also in some buildings for social facilities, in which the service requirements are used to achieve a requalification of the site and for an important effect of cultural representation. The Jury decided to award the 2006 Architecture Award to the Jaume Fuster Library in Barcelona for the success of its urban planning, which opens up new perspectives to the square where it is located, for the expressiveness of the exterior volumetry and for the spatial richness of the interior spaces''



By categories


Architect - member : Ana Cristina Fernandes Vaz Milheiro Interior designer and designer - member : Jordi Torres Architect - member : Iago Pericot Architect and urban planner - president : Manuel de Solà-Morales Quantity surveyor - member : Enric Peña Architect - member : Juhani Pallasmaa Architect and designer - member : Quim Larrea Professor of History of Art and Journalist - member : Juan Antonio Ramírez Architect - member : Manuel Gallego Jorreto Architect - member : David Solvedilla Sculptor - member : Susana Solano

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