156 transitional housing units for young people


In mid-2005, Parla City Council, with the collaboration of the COAM (Official Association of Architects of Madrid) Competitions Office, organised an innovative competition: 826 dwellings distributed over 6 plots for public facilities. These are rental homes for young people, optimising the surface area by 35 m2 to accommodate the largest number of dwellings on the available land. Furthermore, they award the right of superficies to private companies that pay for the tender, the construction and the operation of the rents, reducing the contribution of the City Council to the management of public land and the selection of the successful bidders.

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Miguel de Guzmán

Our proposal was one of the six winning proposals and we had to include exactly 156 dwellings, which were the ones that corresponded to us in the Plan. In the competition, from the very slogan "Building situations", we started from the situationist postulates of the 1950s. In their texts they taught us to understand the city from the individual experience. Exclusively functionalist approaches were a thing of the past; aspects that went beyond dimensional parameters, road hierarchies, full-emptying, and that dealt with topological, relational, phenomenological parameters were of interest.

The space of the city acquires meaning from the use that its inhabitants make of it, from the multiplicity of relationships that can take place in it: experiencing the city as a territory in which to "build situations". Faced with a degraded peripheral landscape, devoured by infrastructures, we would like to understand our proposal of housing for young people as a playful re-appropriation of urban space.

Miguel de Guzmán

The site plan itself, reminiscent of Guy Debord's psychogeographical maps, shows the site as part of the network of public spaces in the municipality. We planned to free up the ground plan as much as possible with a new topography that houses the facilities, to create a field of leisure activities that can vary according to the subject and the time of day and according to the seasons.

General information

156 transitional housing units for young people





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


St. Rio Lozoya,

28981 Parla - Madrid

Latitude: 40.244730645

Longitude: -3.774883662


Building materials


Built area

5001 - 20000 m²



Involved architects

María José Pizarro

Óscar Rueda

Involved architectural firms

Rueda Pizarro Arquitectos

Information provided by

Rueda Pizarro Arquitectos



40.244730645 -3.774883662 dc373be8-dcfd-40a9-b521-2357c87e311d Built
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