Alícia Foundation

The new Caixa Manresa building that houses the Alícia Foundation (Food and Science) is located near the monastery of Sant Benet de Bages, in a strategic point in central Catalonia. Here the Llobregat embraces in an abrupt gesture, called "The Angle", a magnificent, flat piece of land, full of crops, where the imposing monastery, the old textile factory and the house of its former owners are located.

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The new building does not want to stand as a fourth element that blurs the previous ones and seeks to distance itself from their conceptions and geometries. It is a building that aims to give the user the experience of being in a place surrounded and invaded by nature, which is why the vertical plane that separates the interior from the exterior is entirely made of glass. Depending on the intensity of the light, the glass is transparent or shiny, sometimes causing the built volume to disappear and at other times to be totally integrated into the surroundings by reflecting the exterior like a mirror.

Lluís Casals
Lluís Casals

Its plan geometry also avoids the orthogonality of the neighbouring buildings as a consequence of respecting the old walls, fences, paths, plantations and interesting trees. Thus, a free, polyhedral form has been defined, where interior and exterior embrace each other in an inseparable way. Control of light and sunlight is essential to ensure interior comfort, which is why the building is surrounded by walls, some of them old, some new, many opaque and some with windows, but all with the height of glass openings and at a distance of between 3 and 14 metres. This intermediate space, interrupted only by the entrance to the building, is the real thick façade where the plantings and the horizontal shades at the height of the ceiling guarantee the quality of the light and protection from the sun.

Lluís Casals

General information

Alícia Foundation





Option to visit

Free visit


Pth. Sant Benet,

08272 Sant Fruitos de Bages - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.743569892

Longitude: 1.9005861742


Building materials



Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Clotet, Paricio & Associats

Information provided by


(2015). Lluís Clotet, premio nacional de arquitectura 2010. Ministerio de Fomento Secretaría General Técnica Centro de Publicaciones.

Website links

FAD Awards


  • Clotet, Paricio & Associats
  • Clotet, Paricio & Associats
  • Lluís Casals
  • Clotet, Paricio & Associats


41.743569892 1.9005861742 542c0a4d-dd38-4ce5-be46-24664d0bce6b Built
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Unbuilt project


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