FAD 2008

2008 FAD

The present edition of the FAD Award takes place in a social environment that the Jury wishes to attend to and which it considers to be characterised by:

- The widespread expectation of housing solutions, driven by both quantitative needs and qualitative needs arising from the evolution of lifestyles and spatial occupation.

- The growing appreciation of architecture as an integral and shaping part of its context, whether urban, peri-urban or natural, to varying degrees.

- The progressive social assent to the fact that maintenance is not only a hygienic, environmental and qualitative duty, but also, and singularly, a relevant parameter in the shaping of the architecture of the immediate future.

- The value of economy, in all its meanings, to obtain a good result, in a scenario that today is particularly aware of the finiteness of forces and resources.

It is likely that, on the basis of these criteria and the consequent verdicts explained below, the Jury will probably have opted for that which - as Peter Smithson said and Stephen Bates now reminds us - makes it possible to be both ordinary and heroic at the same time

Directors of FAD 2008

Anatxu Zabalbeascoa - Journalist - member
Julio Martínez Calzón - Civil engineer - member
Carles Muro - Architect - Member
Carles Martí i Arís - Architect - President
Guilherme Machado Vaz - Architect - Member
Silvia Farriol - Architect - Member
Sancho Páramo Cerqueira - Technical architect - member
Miquel Adrià - Architect - Member




By categories


Architect - president : Eduard Bru Interior designer - member : Olga de la cruz Architect - member : Stephen Bates

  • Editorial Task Fundación Caja de Arquitectos
    Editorial Task Fundación Caja de Arquitectos

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