Colonias Viladoms Houses. ONG Esplai


In a departure from the conventional typologies of colony houses, which respond to the comb scheme, circulations from which hang batteries of bedrooms with communal bathrooms, the proposal opts for system units in which the relationship between the useful surface and the built surface increases, given that the communications between them are produced from the exterior space. This modular arrangement will allow, for example, different groups to be accommodated within the same facility and for them to maintain a certain degree of privacy within their home.

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Volumetric fragmentation into small autonomous units allows the number of users to be graduated and maintenance and monitoring costs to be minimised, while at the same time allowing a system to be configured with the entire colony. The unit is proposed as a reference, archetype and image of the imaginary world of childhood: small houses, village, relationship with the forest, paths and nature, and which, in the future, would allow an easy extension or expansion of the system itself.

Aleix Bagué
Aleix Bagué

The adapted external routes and the passages between the different volumes allow circulation between them, thus grouping the entrances together and facilitating control by the supervisers.

Aleix Bagué

General information

Colonias Viladoms Houses. ONG Esplai





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


Rd. BV-1212, km 5

08296 Castellbell i el Vilar - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.616414257

Longitude: 1.8870617702


Construction system


Built area

501 - 5000 m²


FAD 2011

Involved architectural firms

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona

Information provided by

OAB - Office of Architecture in Barcelona



41.616414257 1.8870617702 6d0493c7-9243-43a0-82e9-c977bac77c0d Built
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