FAD 2011

2011 FAD

"The Iberian Peninsula is a space of very high architectural competence, a fact that is reflected in the quantity and excellence of the selected projects, which respond to a very broad spectrum of themes, circumstances, contexts and situations. In this context, the jury recognises a number of commonalities between the winning projects:

- The importance of working in complicity with the client as a decisive factor in carrying out a fruitful design process that results in architectural works of great quality.

- The ability to critically review pre-existences with the desire to take advantage of them, adapt them or transform them into spaces for contemporaneity.

- The high level of coherence and control in the different phases of the project, from the conceptual approach to the constructive rigour. An intelligent strategy of reuse and decontextualisation with the capacity to transport us to the world of the other.

A small project that exudes humour, optimism, adaptability and a suggestive and increasingly necessary lack of prejudice. The jury declares the house for a nomadic collector by Martin Lejarraga and Ana Martínez Martínez the winner in the category of Ephemeral Interventions.

The decision to reformulate the existing planning based on the landscape conditions, recognised and supported by the Administration, generates a landscape and urban proposal where the park is understood as an opportunity to recover old agricultural structures and to link them to the particularities of the territory. The jury declared the winner in the City and Landscape category the Parc de les Aigües de les Hortes de Vilabertran, in Figueres, by Michèle Orliac and Miquel Batlle.

The profound structural and volumetric reform of a building of recognised heritage value, based on new needs, has given rise to a large, open-plan interior space, with an excellent treatment of natural light, which permits a new functional organisation while preserving the memory of the place. The jury declared the winner in the Interior Design category the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, by Iñaki Ábalos

The current need to expand the architect's fields of action and a decided commitment to technological innovation that promotes industrial research are the reasons for awarding a Mention to the Mediatic building by Enric Ruiz Geli. The re-reading of an inner city block formerly occupied by industrial workshops as a living space revitalises the entire environment. The strategic arrangement of the courtyards gives the house a high degree of intimacy and brings the intrinsic spatial values of emptiness to the neighbouring buildings. A clear, sensitive and careful response in a location where stage and stalls are reversed. The jury declares Dos Casas em Santa Isabel by Ricardo Bak Gordon the ex aequo winner in the category of Architecture

A suggestive reinterpretation of the traditional spatial structure of the city's houses gives the project great perceptive richness and allows it to establish a simple and wise relationship with the climate. The intensity devoted to the design of each spatial sequence is palpable, and its atmosphere is etched in the memory. The jury declared the Atrio Hotel and restaurant in Cáceres by Emilio Tuñón and Luis Mansilla the ex aequo winner in the Architecture category. ''





By categories

  • Reforma y ampliación de la Antigua Rectoría del conjunto monumental de las Iglesias de Sant Pere de Terrassa
    Reforma y ampliación de la Antigua Rectoría del conjunto monumental de las Iglesias de Sant Pere de Terrassa View Work file
  • Relais Chateaux y Restaurante Atrio en Cáceres
    Relais Chateaux y Restaurante Atrio en Cáceres View Work file
  • Jardín de Infancia en Pratdip
    Jardín de Infancia en Pratdip View Work file
  • Museo del Agua en Palencia
    Museo del Agua en Palencia View Work file
  • House in Paderne
    House in Paderne View Work file
  • 111 viviendas sociales en Terrassa
    111 viviendas sociales en Terrassa View Work file
  • Media-ICT Building
    Media-ICT Building View Work file
  • Casa R
  • Colonias Viladoms Houses. ONG Esplai
    Colonias Viladoms Houses. ONG Esplai View Work file
  • Viviendas sociales y de realojo en el Monte Hacho
    Viviendas sociales y de realojo en el Monte Hacho View Work file
  • Colegio de Arquitectos de Vigo
    Colegio de Arquitectos de Vigo View Work file
  • Colegio Público Nuestra Señora del Rosario
    Colegio Público Nuestra Señora del Rosario View Work file
  • Ampliación del IES Josep Sureda i Blanes
    Ampliación del IES Josep Sureda i Blanes View Work file
  • Ludoteca y Centro de Recursos Educativos en la Placeta del Pi de Barcelona
    Ludoteca y Centro de Recursos Educativos en la Placeta del Pi de Barcelona View Work file
  • Viviendas no convencionales y locales en el distrito 22@Bcn
    Viviendas no convencionales y locales en el distrito 22@Bcn View Work file
  • Escuela Bressol en Vilanova del Vallés
    Escuela Bressol en Vilanova del Vallés View Work file
  • Centro de atención primaria en Sant Vicenç de Castellet
    Centro de atención primaria en Sant Vicenç de Castellet View Work file
  • Ca'n Joan Jaume i n'Apol.lònia
    Ca'n Joan Jaume i n'Apol.lònia View Work file
  • Evangelical Church in Terrassa
    Evangelical Church in Terrassa View Work file
  • Archivo comarcal del Baix Camp
    Archivo comarcal del Baix Camp View Work file
  • Colegio de Arquitectos y Fundación Cultural del COAL en Salamanca
    Colegio de Arquitectos y Fundación Cultural del COAL en Salamanca View Work file
  • Nou Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau
    Nou Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau View Work file
  • Day and community activities centre
    Day and community activities centre View Work file
  • Cèntric Espai Cultural
    Cèntric Espai Cultural View Work file
  • Hotel Santos Porta Fira
    Hotel Santos Porta Fira View Work file
  • Hotel Hospes Palma
    Hotel Hospes Palma View Work file
  • 21 viviendas de protección oficial en Sant Llorenç Savall
    21 viviendas de protección oficial en Sant Llorenç Savall View Work file
  • CAP Progrés Raval
    CAP Progrés Raval View Work file
  • Mercat de Ferreries Civic Centre
    Mercat de Ferreries Civic Centre View Work file
  • 127 social housing units, premises and car park
    127 social housing units, premises and car park View Work file
  • Mercado municipal de Inca
    Mercado municipal de Inca View Work file
  • Museo ABC
  • Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos + Centro Cultural en el Palacio de Aiete
    Casa de la Paz y los Derechos Humanos + Centro Cultural en el Palacio de Aiete View Work file
  • Casa Garoza 10.1
    Casa Garoza 10.1 View Work file
  • Reforma y ampliación de la Escuela Sant Gregori
    Reforma y ampliación de la Escuela Sant Gregori View Work file
  • Rehabilitación del Palacio de San Telmo
    Rehabilitación del Palacio de San Telmo View Work file
  • Centro CAP Vermell de Cala Ratjada
    Centro CAP Vermell de Cala Ratjada View Work file
  • Pabellón Municipal de Deportes en Olot
    Pabellón Municipal de Deportes en Olot View Work file
  • Escoleta Es Molinar
    Escoleta Es Molinar View Work file
  • Torre E.I.O.5
    Torre E.I.O.5 View Work file
  • Reforma y ampliación IES La Garrotxa. Nueva construcción de ciclos formativos
    Reforma y ampliación IES La Garrotxa. Nueva construcción de ciclos formativos View Work file


Architect - member : José Mateus Architect - member : Edgar González Architect - member : Imma Jansana Architect - member : Daniela Hartmann Architect - member : Bet Capdeferro Architect - President : Benedetta Tagliablue Technical architect - member : Santiago Loperena Architect - member : Eugeni Bach

  • Parc de les Aigües
    Parc de les Aigües View Work file
  • Depósito de agua en Guijo de Coria
    Depósito de agua en Guijo de Coria View Work file
  • Estación de Luceros
    Estación de Luceros View Work file
  • Urbanización de las Plazas Mare de Déu dels Àngels, Mossèn Albert Vives y Cementerio
    Urbanización de las Plazas Mare de Déu dels Àngels, Mossèn Albert Vives y Cementerio View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. San Agustín 25
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. San Agustín 25 View Work file
  • Pasarela peatonal y urbanización del entorno del Baluarte de Labrit
    Pasarela peatonal y urbanización del entorno del Baluarte de Labrit View Work file
  • Zona de ocio en el Campus Ciutadella de la UPF
    Zona de ocio en el Campus Ciutadella de la UPF View Work file
  • Entrada al vall del Segre y a la Via Ferrata de Llo
    Entrada al vall del Segre y a la Via Ferrata de Llo View Work file
  • Adecuación de la zona verde de Can Ginestar
    Adecuación de la zona verde de Can Ginestar View Work file
  • Parque de la Marina
    Parque de la Marina View Work file
  • Plaza del Ábside
    Plaza del Ábside View Work file
  • Acceso a la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y de Sociología (UAB)
    Acceso a la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y de Sociología (UAB) View Work file
  • Jardín vertical Centro Cultural las Cigarreras
    Jardín vertical Centro Cultural las Cigarreras View Work file
  • Plaza Blas Infante
    Plaza Blas Infante View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Calle Las Armas 92-94
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Calle Las Armas 92-94 View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. San José
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. San José View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Embarcadero Vadorrey
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Embarcadero Vadorrey View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Movera
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Movera View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Casta Álvarez 41
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Casta Álvarez 41 View Work file
  • Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Actur - Octavio Paz
    Programa 'Estonoesunsolar'. Actur - Octavio Paz View Work file

  • Casa para un coleccionista nómada. Exposición ARCO 2010, IFEMA.
    Casa para un coleccionista nómada. Exposición ARCO 2010, IFEMA. View Work file



Architect - President : Manuel Gausa Architect - member : Pau de Solà-Morales Architect - member : Javier Mozas

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