Descendientes de J. Palacios Winery

The client's requirements were: that the winery should, in principle, maintain the climatic conditions required for winemaking in a natural way; that the winemaking process should be gradual and staggered; that road access around the winery should be distinguished by three types of traffic: grapes, workers, visitors and bottled wine dispatch.

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Duccio Malagamba

This being said, it can be understood that the winery is structured according to three volumes that are well established in the terrain and allow us to recognise the winemaking process. The highest volume corresponds to the winemaking process, from the harvesting and selection of the grapes to bottling; the volume located at the lower levels is used for the work involved in cultivating the vines; and between the two - overseeing both wine production and shipping - is an intermediate volume used for the day-to-day management of the winery.

Corresponding to these three buildings are three courtyards: a grape harvest courtyard at the highest elevation, 732m; a daily life courtyard where the offices are located and from which the tanks and the laboratory are accessed, elevation 726m; a shipping courtyard where the agricultural activities converge with the reception of the lorries that collect the bottled wine, elevation 720m.

Duccio Malagamba

General information

Descendientes de J. Palacios Winery





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


St. Chao do Pando, 1

24514 Corullon - León

Latitude: 42.570524056

Longitude: -6.820025827


Built area

5001 - 20000 m²

Involved architects

Rafael Moneo Vallés

Involved architectural firms

Rafael Moneo

Information provided by

Rafael Moneo

Website links

Rafael Moneo



42.570524056 -6.820025827 237da818-c4a1-4be1-a850-1da650217e5d Built
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