General Savings Bank of Granada


It is a concrete and stone box that traps the sunlight inside it to serve the functions that take place inside this "impluvium of light". On this podium, car parks, archives and the Data Processing Centre are resolved. In the cube, around the central courtyard, offices are arranged on seven floors.

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The cube is built with a reinforced concrete grid measuring 3 x 3 x 3 metres, which serves as a mechanism for collecting light on the roof, the central theme of this building. The two south-facing façades act as a brise-soleil and illuminate the open-plan office areas with powerful light. The two façades to the north, serving the individual offices, receive the homogeneous and continuous light typical of this orientation and are closed to the exterior by means of stone and glass partitions.

Hisao Suzuki


37.160910307 -3.6051302 a9af5b64-a731-4b78-be4f-106ca8595cc9 Built
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