House in Paderne

Carlos Quintáns Eiras

The Sierra de O Courel is a special place, it preserves certain characteristics that have been disappearing due to the advance of development and the standardisation of all natural or transformed and inhabited areas. O Courel preserves another time, other smells, other colours, exceptional vegetation and some villages almost unaltered, Paderme being one of them.

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In an exceptional landscape they find an old palleiro with an awkward construction at the top. The new building is demolished and the thick stone walls are preserved, on top of which a wooden structure is built. Downstairs the bedrooms and upstairs the living room to look at the topographical and vegetation spectacle with the logical memory of the Dominguez de Sota house. The masonry walls shelter the bedrooms with their thickness and the wooden structure shelters the living room, showing both ways of making and building. Housing has no intention of hiding anything, everything is on display. The upper floor adapts to every corner and knows how to go up or down to solve small differences and make the most of all the spaces.

EUmies Award
EUmies Award

Upstairs, the wooden structure, which is repeated with small variations and deforms to the rhythm of the walls, is displayed and accompanied by more wood: inside and out. Downstairs the wood lines and gives warmth to the compact and compartmentalised sleeping spaces. Upstairs an open space and a large opening at the top.

EUmies Award

The house is arranged in a spiral, which is accessed from an intermediate point and has its highest point in the kitchen and its lowest point in the bedrooms. The continuous space of the upper floor is fragmented with two changes in height that achieve a certain degree of privacy at the entrance and then show the forcefulness of the landscape.

EUmies Award

General information

House in Paderne





Option to visit

Closed to visitors


27324 Paderne - Lugo

Latitude: 42.659457733

Longitude: -7.189027717


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Carlos Quintáns Eiras

Information provided by

EUmies Award


  • EUmies Award
  • EUmies Award
  • Ángel Baltanás


42.659457733 -7.189027717 5b8139c2-567d-4588-953b-8538a0934240 Built
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Unbuilt project


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