MUHBA Oliva Artés Museum

Recovery and transformation of an old industrial building dating from 1920 into a museum, highlighting its special configuration in three naves and its interior textures, adding new layers that adapt it to the new use. The Oliva Artés industrial building was to be demolished in 2008 in the context of the new construction of the Poble Nou Central Park, which planned to cut the continuity of the historic Pere IV street to which the building is intimately linked.

View gallery

A neighbourhood association dedicated to the industrial heritage of Poble Nou convinced the City Council of the need to conserve the building, which at the time was in a state of structural ruin, a few days before the bulldozers entered.

Gregori Civera
Gregori Civera

The original project was the result of a competition held in 2009 and aimed to preserve the building's unique character, especially the richness of its interior space, as the exterior had always been enveloped by outbuildings.

Gregori Civera

The project is based on the addition of the minimum parts necessary for its operation, built in a single golden material that adds a new layer to the whole. A new porch, which takes up the entire length of the main façade, is added to the heritage building with a strategy similar to the way other parts were attached in the past and allows an open relationship between the museum and the park in which it is located.

Gregori Civera

General information

MUHBA Oliva Artés Museum





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


St. Espronceda, 142-146

08018 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.408355692

Longitude: 2.2013153858


Building materials


Corrugated sheet

Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architectural firms

BAAS Arquitectura

Information provided by

EUMies Award


Website links

EUMies Award

  • EUMies Award
  • EUMies Award
  • Gregori Civera


41.408355692 2.2013153858 3425bd3a-4a30-4e3c-8047-b3c1d6cec8c3 Built
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Unbuilt project

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