ACUE 2022

Mies van der Rohe Award 2022

"Extract from Award Criteria 5. The following procedure will be followed for the selection of candidates: 5.1. National architects' associations will be invited to propose works by their members built in their own countries as well as transnational commissions that meet one of the following conditions: 5.1.1. Works by European authors (architects who are legally established in one of the participating countries as nationals or residents) from other countries built in the country of the architects' association. 5.1.2. Works of its own members built in other European countries. National architects' associations may submit a maximum of five (5) proposals, except for France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, United Kingdom and Ukraine, each of which may submit a maximum of seven (7) proposals. 5.2. The Mies van der Rohe Foundation, in consultation with the Advisory Committee, will constitute a group of independent experts composed of a considerable number of prestigious specialists, each of whom must propose a maximum of five (5) works from any one country within the framework of the prize. 5.3. The Advisory Committee as a group will be invited to propose a list of approximately 20 (twenty) works from all countries within the framework of the Prize. The decision shall be taken by a majority vote of the members of the Advisory Committee. In their proposals, architectural associations, independent experts and the Advisory Committee should consider works of transnational character, works by emerging architects and works that deepen research and implement ideas that contribute to the development of sustainable architectural practice. Nominators may not propose their own or the Jury's works. All proposals should be accompanied by comments on the work and, if possible, documentation. The final list of candidates to be submitted to the Jury will consist of the joint proposals of the national architects' associations, the group of independent experts and the Advisory Committee"


CALLS: Mies Van Der Rohe Barcelona Foundation



Architect : Georg PendlSpiros Pengas Journalist : Francesca Ferguson Architect : Mia Hägg Art historian and critic : Triin Ojari Architect, urban designer and theorist : Marcel Smets Architect : Tatiana Bilbao

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