Plaza Street

The Turó de la Rovira, part of the Collserola massif, comprises a group of hills (between 180 and 260 m above sea level) that emerge from the urban fabric and constitute one of its widest and most extraordinary viewpoints.

View gallery

The hilltop where the project is located has undergone different stages of urbanisation. In the early 20th century  the construction of several summer houses for Barcelona's wealthy families began; during the civil war, and due to its strategic location, anti-aircraft batteries were built next to military installations; after the war, the wave of immigration led to the appearance of a settlement based on self-builds. It was not until 2010 that this space was recovered through an intervention that has made the history of the place visible. In recent years, the focus has been on strengthening the link between the Turó and the urban fabric by means of pedestrian routes (connecting with Parc Güell, the Hospital de Sant Pau and the Sagrada Família) and improving the accesses leading to the viewpoint.

José Hevia

The proposal essentially operates on the modification of the topography. Road access is maintained and transit is encouraged via a ramp, creating small rest areas: an open appropriation of public space for outdoor activities. These small squares, which are staggered along the existing street, emphasise the domestic character that marks the history of the site. Vegetation will be essential in the coming years to achieve thermal and lighting comfort and to encourage outdoor living.

José Hevia

General information

Plaza Street





Option to visit

Free visit


St. de Marià Labèrnia,

08032 Turó de la Rovira - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.419538779

Longitude: 2.1636417866


Built area

501 - 5000 m²

Involved architectural firms

Bosch.Capdeferro arquitectura

Information provided by


  • Bosch.Capdeferro arquitectura
  • José Hevia
  • Bosch.Capdeferro arquitectura


41.419538779 2.1636417866 3994d07e-b3ab-4ea7-97c4-fb733661f4fa Built
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Unbuilt project

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