Refurbishment of a single-family house in Miraflores

The house stands on a steeply sloping plot in Miraflores, a small rural village in the district of Muros consisting of a cluster of traditional stone houses and a large number of granaries that once housed and served as drying sheds for the cornfields.

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It was originally made up of two adjoining buildings based on the traditional Galician housing layout: the main spaces were the stone stables and the kitchen, with an oven and pantry. Over time, however, a third building was added. The three buildings adapt to the slope, are protected from wind and are almost completely closed off from the imposing views of the Muros estuary, resulting in a compartmentalised interior of small, dark rooms.

Héctor Santos Díez
Héctor Santos Díez

The proposal is designed to suit the site: the scale of the rural nucleus, the existing dwelling, the stone material. The 180 degree views of the estuary and sunlight are the parameters considered when planning the project. The project idea highlight its identity, dignifying the pre-existence and creating a flowing indoor space, bathed in light and facing the views.

Héctor Santos Díez

General information

Refurbishment of a single-family house in Miraflores




Built. Protected architecture

Option to visit

Closed to visitors


St. Lugar de Miraflores, 7

15250 Concello de Muros - A Coruña

Latitude: 42.778302848

Longitude: -9.063458608


Building materials




Construction system

Estructura vista de hormigón armado

Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architectural firms

Fuertes-Penedo arquitectos

Information provided by

Fuertes-Penedo arquitectos


Website links

FAD premios


  • planta situación - Fuertes-Penedo arquitectos
  • axonometría - Fuertes-Penedo arquitectos
  • Héctor Santos Díez
  • Héctor Santos Díez


42.778302848 -9.063458608 6e993e4a-ff9f-4c38-a6f5-842bef0d8cc0 Built
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Unbuilt project

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