Rehabiting the countryside

To address the progressive disuse of the countryside, the project to renovate and enlarge the curucull (a traditional rural farmhouse comprising a small farm) was intended to highlight the opportunities of the rural environment. The work was programmed in two phases. The first proposed the construction of three new halls linked to the existing building through a central courtyard. The second consisted of the construction of an independent studio, a pool and a light pergola inspired by the ‘carrera’ (a space adjacent to the main façade of vernacular constructions that functions as a meeting place during special periods such as animal slaughtering, festivals and harvesting grain).

View gallery

The main strategy for enlarging the house consisted of the repetition and rotation of the existing volume, respecting the predominance of the wall over the opening, conserving the sloping roof and using local materials and labour. This generates a Greek cross plan with a gallery around the courtyard, which acts as an impluvium and provides cross ventilation in all rooms. This keeps the inside temperature stable throughout the year, and the gallery functions as an exhibition space in winter and an umbraculum in summer. In addition, the decision to divide the house into independent spaces makes it possible to occupy it partially or fully; a strategy for programmatic sustainability that allows the active air conditioning systems to be sectorised according to needs, representing significant energy saving.

José Hevia

General information

Rehabiting the countryside





Option to visit

Closed to visitors


Ply. 8, 485

07142 Mallorca - Illes Balears

Latitude: 39.623077872

Longitude: 2.8268898896


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architects

Aixa del Rey

Tomeu Ramis

Involved architectural firms

Flexo arquitectura

Information provided by


Website links



  • José Hevia
  • Flexo arquitectura
  • Flexo arquitectura
  • José Hevia
  • José Hevia
  • José Hevia


39.623077872 2.8268898896 7aadc0d5-3169-4a09-a844-678f79ea5305 Built
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Unbuilt project

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