Remodelling of Barcelona's Promenade

The Barceloneta Waterfront Promenade is the first phase of the continuous system of promenades along the Barceloneta seafront, developed in five phases from the Olympic Port to the Hotel Vela, with a length of 2,200 m.

View gallery

The first phase covers 550 m between Plaza del Mar and Pepe Rubianes street, integrated in the waterfront façade of the Barceloneta neighbourhood, running alongside the neighbourhood streets with a façade of oblique volumes of diverse triangular spaces, creating a promenade that is the sum of the squares integrated in a continuous space.

Aerial view 2 - Barcelona City Council
Aerial view 3 - Barcelona City Council

Therefore, the Waterfront Promenade has the dual purpose of a promenade integrated in the neighbourhood, and that of a continuous promenade that integrates the neighbourhood with the beach as a public space, the sea, the horizon, the sky... The tree system is an irregular plantation of various palms, ombus, mulberry trees, tamarinds. The beach is lit by tall columns that lean like large fishing rods that illuminate the beach to integrate it as a public space, creating a subtle and diaphanous order.

Aerial view 4 - Barcelona City Council

The result is that the Paseo Marítimo and Barceloneta beach form a public space and landscape that give the city its identity and are one of its iconic images.

Photo 1 - Jaume Artigues

General information

Remodelling of Barcelona's Promenade





Option to visit

Free visit


Wwy. Marítimo de la Barceloneta, s/n

08003 Barcelona - Barcelona

Latitude: 41.377749312

Longitude: 2.1913022369


Building materials



Construction system

The walkable area is made with concrete bases and Alta slate paving. The contact with the sand with bolondo wood structure on pilotage and autoclave-treated pine decking.

Built area

más de 20000 m²

Website links

Generalitat de Catalunya

  • Barceloneta Promenade - Barcelona City Council
  • Barceloneta Promenade - Barcelona City Council
  • Aerial view 1 - Barcelona City Council


41.377749312 2.1913022369 e81d687d-ab82-4fc8-aa51-37e72bb97e21 Built
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Unbuilt project

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