Renovation of a penthouse in Barcelona

The project was a commission to refurbish a home in the Eixample district of Barcelona. The previous layout consisted of a succession of rooms connected by a long, dark corridor.

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The plan entailed reorganising the space to bring the outdoors into the dwelling to provide it with the lighting and ventilation that it lacked. To achieve this, the sizes of the openings are maximised, blurring the limits of the initial volume and enhancing the relationship between the inside and outside the central axis of the proposal. The most private rooms are located at the ends to free up the central area, which extends to the terrace, as a space for socialising. Here, a large skylight and a cracked glass façade redefine the idea of limits and allow light to flood the interior; reflecting on the porcelain floor to reach even further into the most distant areas.

José Hevia

The geometry and strategic location of the services, as well as the subtle interplay of heights in the interior section, create a series of diagonal relationships that, as in the main façade, knit the different spaces of the house together, while at the same time nuancing and defining them, supported by the choice of wood for the flooring in areas that require greater warmth.

José Hevia

General information

Renovation of a penthouse in Barcelona





Option to visit

Visit from public roads


08041 Barcelona - Barcelona


Built area

1 - 500 m²



Involved architectural firms


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  • José Hevia
  • José Hevia
  • José Hevia

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