Restoration of the Tancada Salt Pans

A hybrid landscape of nature and culture was designed by the Spanish studio EMF, which carried out the "La Tancada" project in the salt fields of the Ebro Delta Natural Park in Tarragona. Given the need to restore a natural area, the project aims to transform the pools of a former fish factory into a liquid landscape, to preserve the existing stocks of Spanish Samaruc, Aphanius iberus, for example, which is endangered worldwide, protect the flora (Limonium sp) and multiply the habitat conditions for several aquatic birds by creating small sea lakes.

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The different requirements in terms of depth, isolation and slopes meant that the section of earth dykes between the pools were remodelled to diversify the amount of flooding and thus create an archipelago of islands between the tides. A construction of a landscape as a performative artificial ecosystem, which proposes transversing choreographic forms within a narrative, invites us to explore the intertidal lagoons, salt fields and crystallisations, flamingos, terns...

Site and precedents

Sergi Romero

The "La Tancada" project is located at the southern end of the Ebro Delta, one of the most important and abundant rivers on the Iberian Peninsula. Delta is a crucial passage on the Western European bird migration route. Over the last century the site has undergone numerous transformations. It was originally an intertidal saltwater lagoon. At the beginning of the 20th century it was transformed into a salt production field, and in the 1980s it became a fishing centre. The business collapsed and the site fell into the hands of Catalunya Caixa Bank. Through necessarily economic actions, the design deftly constructs a hybrid of nature and culture that celebrates the peculiarities of the site, both in terms of performative artificial ecosystems for endangered species, and in the construction of the landscape popular for tourism. It proposes choreographic forms on the site for visitors, within a narrative that invites them to explore what is consubstantial to this peculiar landscape: intertidal lagoons, salt fields and crystallisations, flamingos, terns...

Sergi Romero

General information

Restoration of the Tancada Salt Pans





Option to visit

Visit by appointment


Rd. de les Salines al Poblenou del Delta, s/n

43870 Amposta - Tarragona

Latitude: 40.641228739

Longitude: 0.738081535


Building materials



Built area

más de 20000 m²

Involved architects

Martí Franch Batllori

Involved architectural firms

EMF Estudi Martí Franch

Information provided by

EMF Estudi Martí Franch

  • Sergi Romero
  • EMF Estudi Martí Franch
  • EMF Estudi Martí Franch


40.641228739 0.738081535 a91b4232-8b9f-409a-aaf7-0b7ecfbdc86e Built
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Unbuilt project

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