Saint Mary of Vilanova de la Barca

Santa Maria de Vilanova de la Barca (Lleida, Spain) is a 13th-century Gothic church that was partially destroyed in 1938 by bombs falling during the Spanish Civil War. Since then the church has been in ruins and only the eastern chancel, some fragments of the naves and its western façade have been preserved.

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The main objective of our intervention was to restore and recover the site as a new multi-purpose hall for the municipality. The project seeks to establish a complementary dialogue between new and old parts, between its present and the memory of the past. The original church is a basilica type building with two naves, a presbytery and side chapels. It is 22 metres long and seven metres wide and the interior it ten metres high. On the eastern side there are some imposing lateral buttresses, possibly of Romanesque origin, and in the chancel there is a late Gothic ribbed vault from the 17th century. The entire church was built with local ashlar with break joints, extremely weathered and eroded over time. Recently, the construction of a semi-detached single-family house on the site of the former moat has had a substantial impact on the ensemble.

Images initial state - AleaOlea architecture & landscape
Images of the work process - AleaOlea architecture & landscape

The most important part of the intervention was the covering elements: façade and roof. The project establishes a new continuous envelope formed by a two-leaf façade and a gable roof. The whole system is conceived as a new ceramic shell that rests delicately on the remains of the old walls.

Detail - Adrià Goula

The exterior façade is covered with brick lattice that reproduces the dense and irregular finish of the stone ashlars. Its finish is airtight and opaque - without windows - and emphasises the continuity with the original construction. The interior façade, on the other hand, has a perforated brick cladding which, together with the metal truss roof, reinforces the contrast and discontinuity of the original parts.

The entire interior has been painted white and, together with a new lateral courtyard, brings more light and brightness into the interior.

Adrià Goula
Axonometry - AleaOlea architecture & landscape

Overall, the proposal restores the volumetric form of the old church and preserves the atmosphere of repose and introspection of the original sacred space. Next to the main church space, the project also proposes a new entrance to the complex. The previous entrance - a door opened in the apse of the church after the Civil War - is replaced and the side space of the old moat is converted into a new entrance courtyard. The pergola, trees, the ground-covering vegetation and the chain of water appear as new elements in the landscape and create a scenography that serves as an entrance threshold to the interior of the church.

Adrià Goula

General information

Saint Mary of Vilanova de la Barca





Option to visit

Free visit


A. de la Creu, 25

25690 Vilanova de la Barca - Lleida

Latitude: 41.689228621

Longitude: 0.7264077317


Building materials


Built area

1 - 500 m²

Involved architectural firms

AleaOlea architecture & landscape

Information provided by

AleaOlea architecture & landscape

  • Adrià Goula


41.689228621 0.7264077317 2a4b986a-e753-4bcd-a325-cf97833d2ba3 Built
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Unbuilt project


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